1 | 当我们从她在贝福德大街的办公室去鸽子广场时,她在想什么?所有的迹象都是恼人的模棱两可。 | The questions did not let up . What did Chloe think as we made our way to Trafalgar Square from her office in Bedford Street? | |
2 | 好吧,哈克,一言为定!走,老伙计,我去跟寡妇讲,让她对你要求松一些。 | All right, Huck, it’s a whiz! Come along, old chap, and I’ll ask the widow to let up on you a little, Huck. | |
3 | 尽管经济疲弱迹象清晰,但要求快速收紧货币和财政政策的压力却丝毫未减。 | And despite clear signs of economic weakness, there is no let-up in the pressure for quick monetary and fiscal tightening. | |
4 | 举个例子,《玩具总动员》是皮克斯拼尽全力,耗时四年才完成的,然而乔布斯从不会给同事减压。 | "Toy Story, " for example, took four years to make while Pixar struggled, yet Mr. Jobs never let up on his colleagues. | |
5 | 媒体铺天盖地地报告着Google决定,即在其中国的搜索引擎中撤销中国政府的审查制度。 | No let up on the coverage of Google’s decision to lift the censorship of its Chinese search engine. | |
6 | 那电话丝毫不放弃地还在响,最后我终于返回接到了电话。 | The phone is still ringing with no let up , and I finally got back to answer it. | |
7 | 然而中国并未因此停止在公共场合的指责。 | The Chinese, however, did not let up their barrage of public criticisms. | |
8 | 我倡导--而且对我最有效的--是进行一个残酷的、在你感到没有了焦虑之前会不减缓的暴露疗法惯例。 | What I advocate--and this worked the best for me--is a brutal routine of exposure therapy that doesn’t let up until you’re anxiety free. | |
9 | 我即使快赢了,也不能放松。 | We must n’t let up , even though we’re winning. | |
10 | 我们就要尽全部力量救人,绝不会放松。废墟下哪怕只还有一个人,我们都要抢救到底。 | We are going to spare no effort to save lives. We are not going to let up . Even if there is one person under the rubble, we will save him. | |
11 | 星期三的豪雨有所减缓,但气象学家预测说这个星期余下的日子都是中雨。 | Downpours let up Wednesday, but meteorologists forecast moderate rain for the rest of the week. | |
12 | 雪势减弱时,他壮着胆子来到屋外,想看看是什么东西在一直撞着窗户。 | When the snow let up a little, he ventured outside to see what could have been beating on his window. | |
13 | 由于美元疲软意味着其它国家对这类公寓感兴趣的买家数量不会减少,因此,这类公寓的价格未受到损害。 | It has not hurt that the weak dollar has meant little let-up in the flow of interested buyers from other nations. | |
14 | 在家里,弗里德曼的前妻安娜•古特曼是位眼科大夫,她恳求费里德曼别再痴迷于追捕纳粹了,责怪他让她情绪波动而流产。 | At home, Mr. Friedman’s wife, the former Anna Gutman, an eye surgeon, pleaded with him to let up on his obsession. | |
15 | 在些难事上,她要是能宽容一些,我就可以背地里抽烟、诅咒。要么挺过去,要么完蛋拉倒。 | If she’ll let up on some of the roughest things, I’ll smoke private and cuss private, and crowd through or bust. | |
16 | 这根赤字增加的扬线反映了经济复苏步伐放缓,但并不意味着财政大臣热衷于财政紧缩政策。 | This higher path reflects a slower pace of economic recovery rather than any let-up in the chancellor’s zeal for fiscal austerity. | |
17 | 这一方法简单有效,施虐者在必要时候也可以很快松手。 | This method is simple and effective, and also allows the Top to let up very quickly if necessary. | |
18 | 这意味着高度负责,毫不松懈,直到我们的人民获得重新就业。 | That means vigilance to ensure that we do not let up until our people are back to work. |